
Workshop on Network Security

Venue: Information Technology Center, University of Peradeniya
Duration: 3 days
Class size: 60
Target group: network administrators/engineers from LEARN member institutions (one who deals with the campus network)
Program Level: Intermediate/Advance
Course fee: free of charge (two nights accommodation sharing basis, refreshment, lunch, dinner and break-first will be provided)
Date: 12th to 14th June 2018
Note: Participant are requested to bring a laptop (4GB RAM, 25GB free disk space) with VirtualBox or any other suitable hypervisor installed
Application closing: closed
Call of Institutional Nominations Opening: 2nd May 2018
Call of Institutional Nominations Closing: 31st May 2018
Online Registration Opening: 1st June 2018
Online Registration Closing: 11th June 2018

Workshop Goals

The Network Security Workshop focuses on day to day activities and system components to provide comprehensive understanding and hands-on experience allowing you to gain valuable experience in network security best common practices, tools and techniques. Participants will be able to examine the key concepts, protocols and the policies involved in establishing and maintaining security for a network, and building an understanding and familiarity with their operation.

This workshop will introduce CSIRT operations from the NREN perspective and will look at the nature and structure of network attacks and the motivation that drives such on‐line malicious activity. Workshop will point out the actions and processes that can be used to identify, mitigate and respond to such attacks.


  • Workshop Agenda
  • Instructors:
    • Senevi Herath, Network / System Manager, LEARN
    • Thilina Pathirana, System Engineer, LEARN
    • Dilum Samarasinghe, Network Engineer, LEARN
    • Dinesh Gunawardana, CSIRT Representative for LEARN
    • Jamie Gillespie - Internet Security Specialist, APNIC
    • Adli Wahid - Security Specialist, APNIC
    • S.K. Senarathne, Chief Inspector, CID Cybercrime Division, Sri Lanka Police
  • Organizing Team:
    • Rajeewa Abeygunarathna, Operations Manager, LEARN
    • Viraji Kaushalya, LEARN
  • Participants:
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