
Workshop on containerization (Dockers, Kubernetes) and annual NOC meeting - 2023

Time Schedule

session 18.30am - 10.30pm
session 211.00am - 1.00pm
session 32.00pm - 3.30pm
session 44.00pm - 5.30pm
  • Instructors:
    • Thilina Pathirana, University of Stavanger
    • Senevi Herath, Senior Network and systems Manager,LEARN
  • Hand-on Support:
    • Dhammika Lalantha, Senior Network Engineer, LEARN
    • Deepthi Gunasekara, TAC Engineer,LEARN
  • Technical Support
    • Tuwan Jaleel, Network and Systems Engineer,LEARN
    • Gayan Bandara, Engineering Assistant,LEARN

Note : System requirement for workshop

Note: Participants are requested to have a laptop (minimum 8GB RAM and recommended 16GB, 50GB free disk space).

Program Line-up

Session Topic Instructor Presentation / Hands-On
Day 1
Opening: welcome speech by CEO/LEARN (Prof. Roshan Ragel)
Speech by Consultant CTO (Dr.Asitha Bandaranayake)
Session 1 Introduction to Containerization TP Cloud, Virtualization and Containers
Session 2 Introduction to Containerization -cont TP
Session 3 Hands-On: Install Docker TP Hands-on Lab: Installing Docker and Building an Image, IP Allocation
Session 4 Hands-On: Cont TP Hands-on Lab: Deploying Applications with Docker Compose
Day 2
Session 1 Introduction to Kubernetes TP Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
Session 2 Hands-On: Install Kubernetes TP Hands-on Lab: Setting Up K8s and Deploying a Sample App
Session 3 Hands-on: Deploy basic app TP
Session 4 Hands-on: Kubernetes Networking TP K8s CSI , k8s networking
Day 3
Session 1 Hands-On: Kubernetes Monitoring TP Hands-on: Monitoring
Session 2 Hand-On: Kubernetes rollback configuration TP Hands-on: rollback
Session 3 Hand-On: cont. k8s CNI
Session 4 Feedback, Questions and Overview to LEARN cloud. k8s cert manager
Day 4 - Annual NOC Meeting
8.30am - 9.30am LEARN operations update Operations Team
9.30am - 10.00am LEARN NOC update DL
10.00am - 10.30am LEARN TAC update DG
11am - 6.30pm Campus network updates presentations from member institutes - schedule
7.00pm - 9.00pm Social Dinner at Hotel Topaz
Day 5 - Annual NOC Meeting
8.30am - 1.00pm Campus network updates presentations from member institutes continued - schedule
2.00pm Closing Ceremony
Last modified 13 months ago Last modified on Feb 20, 2024, 5:46:27 AM

Attachments (5)

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