
System Requirements:

  • We will be installing at least 3 VM’s in your host machine. Keep that in mind when you create the VM’s.
  • CPU: at least 4 virtual cores each, more the better, If you don’t have resources work with 2 cpu’s. but it will reduce your speed greatly.
  • RAM: 4GB each. (2GB will work with limited or slowed functionality.)
  • HDD: 20GB each
  • Network: bridged to your wifi interface.

Operating System:

Install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (server) version on each VM.

Machine details:

Device Hostname IP address
Your PC / Host Machine - 192.248.X.A
VM1 master 192.248.X.B
VM2 worker1 192.248.X.C
VM3 worker2 192.248.X.D
Last modified 13 months ago Last modified on Dec 6, 2023, 4:35:41 AM
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