
Version 2 (modified by admin, 5 years ago) ( diff )


Squid as a Transparent Proxy on pfSense

Proxy servers can be very useful for improving the speed of an internet connection by caching, logging internet usage, or filtering the traffic. The proxy server will store local copies of HTML pages, images, and other files in its cache.

Caching proxy servers can greatly improve the internet performance of corporate networks where many users may be requesting similar pages.

Transparent proxys route the clients traffic through the proxy server automatically, unlike traditional proxys which require configuration changes on the client systems.

Following is how to install popular proxy server application squid as a transparent proxy.

Step 1:

The first thing you'll need to do is install the squid package in pfSense. Goto Package Manager from drop down System menu

Select Available Packages and search for Squid. Then locate the Squid package and click the + symbol next to it and confirm the setup to begin the installation. The installation process normally takes a few minutes to complete, make sure you do not leave the package installer page while it is installing.

Step 2:

Once the installation is completed goto Squid Proxy Server on Services menu.

Configure General settings as follows:

  • Check/tick Enable Squid Proxy option
  • Tick Keep Settings/Data
  • As we need to enable proxy for the internal users select LAN from Proxy Interface(s)
  • Keep other Squid General Settings as it is.

Step 3:

Setup the Transparent Proxy Settings as follows:

  • Enable transparent mode by checking Transparent HTTP Proxy
  • Select LAN on Transparent Proxy Interface(s)
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