Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of campuswifiandeduroam2023Agenda/pwdca

Jul 24, 2024, 6:28:19 AM (2 months ago)



  • campuswifiandeduroam2023Agenda/pwdca

    v2 v3  
     262'''Search parameters'''
     264Configure attributes on which the search is done:
     267$search_attributes = array('uid', 'cn', 'mail');
     270By default, search is done with substring match. This can be changed to use exact match:
     273$search_use_substring_match = false;
     276'''Results display'''
     278Configure items shown when displaying results:
     281search_result_items = array('identifier', 'mail', 'mobile');
     286Define pagination values in dropdown:
     289$datatables_page_length_choices = array(10, 25, 50, 100, -1); // -1 means All
     292Set default pagination for results (can also be used to force the length without $datatables_page_length_choices):
     295$datatables_page_length_default = 10;
     298Enable or disable autoPrint feature:
     301$datatables_auto_print = true;
     304'''Display parameters'''
     306Configure which items are displayed:
     309$display_items = array('identifier', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'title', 'businesscategory', 'employeenumber', 'employeetype', 'mail', 'phone', 'mobile', 'fax', 'postaladdress', 'street', 'postalcode', 'l', 'state', 'organizationalunit', 'organization');
     312Set which item is use as title:
     315$display_title = "fullname";
     318Choose to show undefined values:
     321$display_show_undefined = false;
     324'''Account information panel'''
     326Configure which items are displayed:
     329$display_password_items = array('pwdchangedtime', 'pwdreset', 'pwdaccountlockedtime', 'pwdfailuretime','pwdpolicysubentry', 'authtimestamp', 'created', 'modified');
     332You can also display the password expiration date in this panel by enabling this option:
     335$display_password_expiration_date = true;
     338'''Check password'''
     340This feature allows to enter a password and check authentication.
     342//Note-// the authentification can fail even if the password is correct. This is the case if account is locked or password is expired.
     344To enable this feature:
     347$use_checkpassword = true;
     350'''Reset password'''
     352This feature allows to reset a password and set the reset at next connection flag.
     354To enable this feature:
     357$use_resetpassword = true;
     360When changing the password, you can force the user to reset it at next connection. To configure the default value presented in the form:
     363$resetpassword_reset_default = true;
     366If you do not want to let the choice to reset at next connection, you can hide this button:
     369$use_resetpassword_resetchoice = false;
     372In this case, the value set in $resetpassword_reset_default will be applied.
     374'''Notify user by mail'''
     376You can notify the user by mail when the password is reset:
     379$notify_on_change = true;
     382'''Notify administrator by mail'''
     384$notify_admin_by_mail_list is a a php array list of mails of admins to set directly in service-desk configuration.
     386$header_name_notify_admin_by_mail is name of header that will be provided to cgi script as HTTP_$header_name_notify_admin_by_mail to set administrator mail from webserver. This setting allows webserver to select an administrator mail related to current http session. Its value should be a valid mail according to rfc822
     388If those are set any administrator mail will receive a notification that user password was changed.
     390Remark this is not controled by $notify_on_change, which is only for user.
     393$notify_admin_by_mail_list=array( '','' '');