
Self Password Change

LDAP Self Service Password is a web application for end users. It allows them to change or reset their password if they lost it.

You need to install these prerequisites:

  • Apache or another web server
  • php (>=7.4)
  • php-curl (haveibeenpwned api)
  • php-filter
  • php-gd (captcha)
  • php-ldap
  • php-mbstring (reset mail)
  • php-openssl (token crypt, probably built-in)
  • smarty (3 or 4)

Installation From tarball

Uncompress and unarchive the tarball:

$ tar -zxvf ltb-project-self-service-password-*.tar.gz

Install files in /usr/share/:

mkdir /usr/share/self-service-password

mkdir /usr/share/self-service-password/cache

mkdir /usr/share/self-service-password/templates_c

mv ltb-project-self-service-password-* /usr/share/self-service-password

Adapt ownership of Smarty cache repositories so Apache user can write into them. For example:

chown www-data:www-data /usr/share/self-service-password/cache chown www-data:www-data /usr/share/self-service-password/templates_c

Due to a bug in old Debian and Ubuntu smarty3 package, you may face the error syntax error, unexpected token "class". In this case, install a newer version of the package://

# wget

# dpkg -i smarty3_3.1.47-2_all.deb

Configure the repository

# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ltb-project.list

deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ltb-project.gpg] stable main

Import repository key:

wget -O - | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/ltb-project.gpg >/dev/null

Then update:

apt update

You are now ready to install: apt install self-service-password

Apache configuration

<VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot /usr/share/self-service-password/htdocs
    DirectoryIndex index.php

    AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

    <Directory /usr/share/self-service-password/htdocs>
        AllowOverride None
        <IfVersion >= 2.3>
            Require all granted
        <IfVersion < 2.3>
            Order Deny,Allow
            Allow from all

    Alias /rest /usr/share/self-service-password/rest

    <Directory /usr/share/self-service-password/rest>
        AllowOverride None
        <IfVersion >= 2.3>
            Require all denied
        <IfVersion < 2.3>
            Order Deny,Allow
            Deny from all

    LogLevel warn
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ssp_error.log
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ssp_access.log combined

a2ensite self-service-password

Check you configuration and reload Apache:

# apachectl configtest
# apachectl reload

To change configurations -

cd /etc/self-service-password
vim php


You change the default logo with your own

$logo = "images/ltb-logo.png";

You change the background image with your own

$background_image = "images/unsplash-space.jpeg";

To easily customize CSS

$custom_css = "css/custom.css";

You can hide the footer bar

$display_footer = false;


$debug = true;

$smarty_debug = true;


You need a key phrase if you use ciphered tokens

$keyphrase = "secret";

There is also a protection on login to avoid LDAP injections. Some characters are forbidden, you can change the list of forbidden characters in login

$login_forbidden_chars = "*()&|";

For the reset process via mail token and send sms token, errors are hidden by default, to avoid account disclosure

$obscure_usernotfound_sendtoken = true;
$obscure_notfound_sendsms = true;

LDAP Connection

Server address

Use an LDAP URI to configure the location of your LDAP server

$ldap_url = "ldap://localhost:389";

To use SSL

$ldap_url = "ldaps://localhost";

To use StartTLS, set true in $ldap_starttls

$ldap_starttls = true;

Note:// LDAP certificate management in PHP relies on LDAP system libraries. Under Linux, you can configure /etc/ldap.conf (or /etc/ldap/ldap.conf on Debian or Ubuntu, or C:\OpenLDAP\sysconf\ldap.conf for Windows).

  • Provide the certificate from the certificate authority that issued your LDAP server’s certificate

TLS_CACERT /etc/ssl/ca.crt

Or, disable server certificate checking:


If you face issues with non matching TLS versions between SSP and your LDAP server, you should try to modify TLS_CIPHER_SUITE to match the requirements of your server. For example:


You can also define the ldap connection timeout:

$ldap_network_timeout = true;


Configure DN and password in $ldap_bindn and $ldap_bindpw, for example a service account

$ldap_binddn = "cn=ssp,ou=dsa,dc=example,dc=com";

$ldap_bindpw = "secret";

To instead use user’s credentials when writing in LDAP directory, replace manager with user in $who_change_password

$who_change_password = "user";

Search parameters

$ldap_base = "dc=learn,dc=ac,dc=lk";

The filter can be set in $ldap_filter

$ldap_filter = "(&(objectClass=person)(uid={login}))";


You can use LDAP password modify extended operation wit

$ldap_use_exop_passwd = true;

You can also enable LDAP password policy control with

$ldap_use_ppolicy_control = true;

Force unlock: will unlock a locked account when password is changed

$ad_options['force_unlock'] = true;

Force user to change password at next login:

$ad_options['force_pwd_change'] = true;

Allow user to change password if password is expired (this will force the password to be changed as manager):

$ad_options['change_expired_password'] = true;

Password Policy

You can use these schemes to hash the password before sending it to LDAP directory:

  • SHA, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
  • SSHA, SSHA256, SSHA384, SSHA512
  • MD5
  • SMD5
  • ARGON2
  • clear
  • auto

Set one of them in $hash

$hash = "clear";

You can configure the crypt salt prefix to choose the algorithm Optional: crypt document

$hash_options['crypt_salt_prefix'] = "$6$";


Set minimal and maximal length in $pwd_min_length and $pwd_max_length:

$pwd_min_length = 4;
$pwd_max_length = 8;

Set 0 in $pwd_max_length to disable maximal length checking.

Characters You can set the minimal number of lower, upper, digit and special characters:

$pwd_min_lower = 3;
$pwd_min_upper = 1;
$pwd_min_digit = 1;
$pwd_min_special = 1;

Special characters are defined with a regular expression, by default:

$pwd_special_chars = "^a-zA-Z0-9";

This means special characters are all characters except alphabetical letters and digits.

You can check that these special characters are not at beginning or end of the password:

$pwd_no_special_at_ends = true;

You can also disallow characters from being in password, with $pwd_forbidden_chars:

$pwd_forbidden_chars = "@%";

This means that @ and % could not be present in a password.

You can define how many different class of characters (lower, upper, digit, special) are needed in the password:

$pwd_complexity = 2;

Pwned Passwords

Allows to check if the password was already compromised

$use_pwnedpasswords = true;

Re use You can prevent a user from using his old password as a new password if this check is not done by the directory:

$pwd_no_reuse = true;

You may also want to check for partial password reuses, ensuring the new password includes at least N distinct new characters:

$pwd_diff_last_min_chars = 3;

Forbidden words

Give a list of forbidden words that the password should not contain

$pwd_forbidden_words = array("azerty", "qwerty", "password");

Forbidden LDAP fields

Give a list of LDAP fields which values should not be present in the password:

$pwd_forbidden_ldap_fields = array('cn', 'givenName', 'sn', 'mail');

Reset by mail tokens

First, the user will enter his login and his mail address. A mail is sent to him.

Then, the user click on the link in the mail, an can set a new password.

PHP sessions are used to store and retrieve token on server side.

You can enable or disable this feature with $use_tokens

$use_tokens = true;

Mail configuration

You can also avoid to request the mail to the user, only the login will be asked, and the mail will be read in LDAP:

$mail_address_use_ldap = true;


You can crypt tokens, to protect the session identifier:

$crypt_tokens = true;

You should set a token lifetime, so they are deleted if unused. The value is in seconds:

$token_lifetime = "3600";


By default, generated URLs are logged in the default Apache error log. This behavior can be changed, to log in a specific file:

$reset_request_log = "/var/log/self-service-password";

Reset URL


By default, reset URL is computed using server name and port, but these values can be wrong if the application is behind a reverse proxy. In this case you can set yourself the reset URL:


Mail Attributes

Set the LDAP attributes where user email may be stored:

$mail_attributes = array( "mail", "gosaMailAlternateAddress", "proxyAddresses" );

Sender Name

You can change the default From header and add a signature:

$mail_from = "";
$mail_from_name = "Self Service Password administrator";
$mail_signature = "";

Change password notification

Use this option to send a confirmation mail to the user, just after a successful mail change:

$notify_on_change = true;


$mail_sendmailpath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
$mail_protocol = 'smtp';
$mail_smtp_debug = 0;
$mail_debug_format = 'html';
$mail_smtp_host = 'localhost';
$mail_smtp_auth = false;
$mail_smtp_user = '';
$mail_smtp_pass = '';
$mail_smtp_port = 25;
$mail_smtp_timeout = 30;
$mail_smtp_keepalive = false;
$mail_smtp_secure = 'tls';
$mail_smtp_autotls = true;
$mail_smtp_options = array();
$mail_contenttype = 'text/plain';
$mail_wordwrap = 0;
$mail_charset = 'utf-8';
$mail_priority = 3;

For more info Regarding PHPmailer:

Ip Configuration

vi /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml 
# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'
  renderer: networkd
        - 192.248.4.XX/24
        addresses: [,]
        - to: default
  version: 2

Other info:

Last modified 7 months ago Last modified on Jul 30, 2024, 9:14:34 AM

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