
Workshop Agenda

Time Scedule

session 19.00am - 10.00am
session 210.00am - 10.30am
break 10.30am - 11.00am
session 311.00pm - 11.55am
break 11.55am - 12.00pm
session 412.00pm - 1.00pm
session 52.00pm - 5.00pm

*All times are in UTC+5.30 (Asia/Colombo) timezone

Instructor: Thilina Pathirana

Session Topic Presentation / Hands-On
Day 1 Recording
Opening: welcome talk by CEO/LEARN (Prof. Roshan Ragel)
Session 1 Self Introduction & Intro to Information SecurityProject Overview, Introduction
Session 2 Intro to Information Security cont.
Session 3 Discussion on creating and maintaining IT policies Policies
Session 4 Discussion on creating and maintaining IT policies cont...
Session 5 Self study on available online policies
Day 2 Recording
Session 1 SSH/ crypto theory Cryptography
Session 2 hands-on (SSL,ufw,apache, SSH two way authentication/ multi factor (OTP/Crypto/password)SSH, HTTPS, UFW
Session 3 IDS/IPS theory IDS, snort
Session 4 Installation of common CMS and hardening hands-on
Session 5 Self evaluation of existing services in your institutes
Day 3 Recording
Session 1 Vulnerability scanning / penetration testing (using kali linux) hand-on pentest
Session 2 Vulnerability scanning / penetration testing ... Pentest Lab
Session 3 Wireshark analysis Wireshark Lab
Session 4 Secure Email hands-on (create key and put it on email clients)Email Best Practices, pgp
Session 5 Self study - apply thought lessons
Day 4 Recording
Session 1 Network MonitoringMonitoring
Session 2 Network MonitoringLibreNMS, Alerting
Session 3 Netflownetflow
Session 4 Netflownetflow
Session 5 Self study - apply thought lessons
Day 5 Recording
Session 1 Smokepingsmokeping
Session 2 PerfsonarperfSonar
Session 3 Network Measurements PerfsonarLab
Session 4 Network Measurements
Session 5 Self study - apply thought lessons
Online Feed Back Form

Useful References

  1. Lets_Encrypt-Automate_all_the_things
  2. ElastiFLow
  3. Perfsonar
Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on Sep 14, 2021, 9:01:46 PM

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