
Create a Service to test Eduroam Server Availability

Following guide will allow you to create a Icinga2 Director Service template to test eduroam freeradius installation by testing radius authentication connectivity from your monitoring server on Ubuntu 20.04.


  • Become root user. sudo su
  • Install eap test and rad eap test packages on your Icinga monitoring server.
 apt-get install git libssl-dev devscripts pkg-config libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev
 cd ~

 git clone --depth 1 --no-single-branch

 cd freeradius-server/scripts/ci/


 cp ./eapol_test/eapol_test /usr/local/bin/

 cd ~

 mkdir rad_eap_test

 cd rad_eap_test


 chmod +x rad_eap_test

 cp rad_eap_test /usr/local/bin/

  • On your FreeRadius Server, add the monitoring IP as an client on /etc/freeradius/clients.conf or /etc/freeradius/3.0/clients.conf and restart the freeradius service.
     client monitor_icinga {
          ipaddr  = a.b.c.d
          secret  = <Shared_Secret>
  • Back on your Monitoring Server,

Test user auth by rad_eap_test -H <Freeradius_server_IP> -P 1812 -S <Shared_Secret> -u <username@YOUR-DOMAIN> -p <user_pass> -m WPA-EAP -e PEAP
You should receive an access-accept

  • Next, download the monitoring plugin to icinga plugin directory ( we should use a script from REANNZ )
 cd /usr/lib/nagios/plugins


 chmod 755

Director Configurations

You have to,

  • Create custom Plugin Check Command
  • Add required Arguments
  • Create custom field Category
  • Create custom fields
  • Create a Service Template
  • Create Host for the FreeRadius Server
  • Create a Service and associate it with the created host

Create Custom Check Command

  • Goto Director --> Commands --> +Add and create the Command eduroam-eap

  • Goto Arguments tab of the eduroam-eap command and add following Arguments. ( Args marked in red arrows have to be created with special care )

Arguments marked in red have to be created as follows:

  • Argument -C

  • Argument -d

  • Argument -v

  • Argument -I

  • Argument -O

  • Finally, the command Preview should be similar to:
object CheckCommand "eduroam-eap" {
    import "plugin-check-command"
    command = [ PluginDir + "/" ]
    arguments += {
        "-2" = "MSCHAPV2"
        "-C" = {
            set_if = "$eduroam_request_cui$"
        "-H" = "$address$"
        "-I" = {
            description = "NAS IP address"
            set_if = {{
                return len(macro("$eduroam_nas_ip_address$")) >0
            value = "$eduroam_nas_ip_address$"
        "-O" = {
            description = "Eduroam Operator Name"
            set_if = {{
                return len(macro("$eduroam_operator_name$")) >0
            value = "$eduroam_operator_name$"
        "-P" = "$eduroam_port$"
        "-d" = {
            set_if = {{
                return macro("$eduroam_verbosity$") == 2
        "-e" = "PEAP"
        "-m" = "WPA-EAP"
        "-p" = "$eduroam_password$"
        "-s" = "$eduroam_secret$"
        "-u" = "$eduroam_user$"
        "-v" = {
            set_if = {{
                return macro("$eduroam_verbosity$") == 1

  • Deploy the changes.

Create Custom Fields

Since the new command eduroam-eap requires custom values as input arguments, we need to create them on Director

  • Create a Field Category.

Go to Icinga Director --> Data Field Categories --> +Add

  • Create Custom Data Fields.

Go to Icinga Director --> Data Fields --> +Add and create all following fields.

Field Name Caption Data Field Category Data type
eduroam_request_cui eduROAM Request CUI eduROAM Specific Data Boolean
eduroam_user eduROAM UserName eduROAM Specific Data String / Visible
eduroam_verbosity eduROAM verbosity eduROAM Specific Data Boolean
eduroam_operator_name eduROAM Operator Name eduROAM Specific Data String / Visible
eduroam_password eduROAM User Password eduROAM Specific Data String / Hidden
eduroam_port Port eduROAM Specific Data Number
eduroam_secret Shared Secret eduROAM Specific Data String / Hidden

Create Service Template

  • Goto Icinga Director --> Services --> Service Templates --> +Add put the following details and click Add

  • Goto Fields tab of the Check Eduroam template. Add following Fields.

  • Now go back to Service tab and add the following details. (Put your own value to the circled part) and click Store

Create Host

  • Goto Icinga Director --> Hosts --> Hosts --> +Add and create a generic host with your FreeRadius Server details.

Create Service

  • Goto Icinga Director --> Services --> Single Services --> +Add put the appropriate details and click Add

( Shared Secret: Key used for freeradius pairing )

( Paasword: Password for the eduroam test user )

  • Then Deploy the settings.
Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on May 31, 2021, 5:08:54 PM

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