

ntopng is a high-performance, low-resource network traffic monitoring tool. It provides an intuitive, encrypted web user interface for the exploration of realtime and historical traffic information. Community edition can be installed on pfSense via package manager to track or account traffic on network interfaces.

To install go to System > Package Manager > Available Packages

Search and locate the ntopng package and click the + symbol next to it and confirm the setup to begin the installation. The installation process normally takes a few minutes to complete, make sure you do not leave the package installer page while it is installing.

Once the installation is finished, goto Diagnostics > ntopng Settings

  • Select Enable ntopng
  • Select Keep Data/Settings
  • Set ntopng Admin Password as class password
  • Select all holding shift key on Interfaces list
  • Keep default setting for DNS Mode
  • Local Networks Mode: Use Custom list below
  • custom network list
    • 10.XY.0.0/16
    • 2401:dd00:20XY::/48

and Save.

Now open the Access ntopng link on a new tab and login. Default username is admin but the password is the one configured above.

ntopng web GUI reference: ​

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Mar 10, 2019, 10:38:04 AM
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