Version 6 (modified by 12 months ago) ( diff ) | ,
Part 1:
Installing Docker on Ubuntu Server
- Update Your System: Ensure your system package database is up-to-date.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
- Install Docker: Install Docker using the convenience script provided by Docker.
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
- Add User to Docker Group (Optional): If you want to run Docker commands without sudo, add your user to the docker group.
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
Log out and log back in for the group changes to take effect.
- Start and Enable Docker: Ensure Docker starts on boot.
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start docker
- Verify Docker Installation: Check the Docker version to ensure it's installed correctly.
docker --version
- Deploying a Sample Web Application using Docker
6.1 Pull a Sample Web Application Image: For this guide, we'll use a simple HTTP server image from Docker Hub.
docker pull httpd
6.2 Run the Web Application: Start a container using the httpd image. This will run the web server on port 8080.
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name sample-webapp httpd
6.3 Access the Web Application: If you're accessing the server locally, open a web browser and navigate to: (Since you are connected via SSH lets install a text-based web browser lynx.)
sudo apt-get install lynx
lynx http://localhost:8080
6.4 Stop and Remove the Web Application (Optional): When you're done testing the web application, you can stop and remove the container.
docker stop sample-webapp
docker rm sample-webapp
Extra Ref:[]
Basic Docker Commands and Their Usage
docker --version
Usage: Displays the Docker version installed. Example:
docker --version
docker info
Usage: Provides detailed information about the Docker installation. Example:
docker info
docker pull <image_name>
Usage: Downloads a Docker image from Docker Hub. Example:
docker pull nginx
docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> <path>
Usage: Builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile located at <path>. Example: docker build -t myapp:latest .
docker images
Usage: Lists all available Docker images on the system. Example:
docker images
docker run <options> <image_name>
Usage: Creates and starts a container from a Docker image. Example:
docker run -d -p 80:80 nginx
docker ps
Usage: Lists running containers. Example:
docker ps
docker ps -a
Usage: Lists all containers, including stopped ones. Example:
docker ps -a
docker stop <container_id/container_name>
Usage: Stops a running container. Example:
docker stop my_container
docker rm <container_id/container_name>
Usage: Removes a stopped container. Example:
docker rm my_container
docker rmi <image_name>
Usage: Removes a Docker image. Example:
docker rmi nginx
docker logs <container_id/container_name>
Usage: Displays logs from a running or stopped container. Example:
docker logs my_container
Troubleshooting Common Docker Container Issues
- Container Fails to Start
Check Logs: Use
docker logs <container_name>
to check for any error messages.
Inspect Configuration: Ensure that the Docker run command has the correct parameters, such as port mappings and volume mounts.
- Networking Issues
Check IP Address: Use
docker inspect <container_name> | grep IPAddress
to find the container's IP address.
Check Port Bindings: Ensure that the ports inside the container are correctly mapped to the host using the -p option. You may use
docker port <container_name>
to further check the port mapping.
- File or Directory Not Found in Container
Check Volumes: Ensure that directories or files from the host are correctly mounted into the container using the -v option. You may use docker volume ls to list all volumes mapped and docker volume inspect <volume_name> to inspect a selected volume. Inspect Image: Use docker image inspect <image_name> to see the image's layers and ensure the required files are present.
- Container Performance Issues
Check Resources: Containers might face performance issues if they're not allocated enough resources. Use docker stats to check the resource usage of running containers. Limit Resources: When running a container, you can use flags like --cpus and --memory to limit its resources. You can use docker top <container_name> to see some stats.
- Image-Related Issues
Pull Latest Image: Ensure you have the latest version of the image using docker pull <image_name>. Check Dockerfile: If you're building your own image, ensure that the Dockerfile has the correct instructions.
- Permission Issues
User Mappings: If a containerized application can't access certain files, it might be a user permission issue. Ensure that the user inside the container has the necessary permissions. Use --user Flag: When running a container, you can specify which user the container should run as using the --user flag.
Part 2:
What is a Dockerfile?
A Dockerfile is a script containing a set of instructions used by Docker to automate the process of building a new container image. It defines the environment inside the container, installs necessary software, sets up commands, and more.
Basic Structure of a Dockerfile
A Dockerfile consists of a series of instructions and arguments. Each instruction is an operation used to build the image, like installing a software package or copying files. The instruction is written in uppercase, followed by its arguments.
Key Dockerfile Instructions
FROM: Specifies the base image to start from. It's usually an OS or another application.
FROM ubuntu:20.04
LABEL: Adds metadata to the image, like maintainer information.
LABEL maintainer=""
RUN: Executes commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commits the result.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx
CMD: Provides defaults for the executing container. There can only be one CMD instruction in a Dockerfile.
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
ENTRYPOINT: Configures the container to run as an executable. It's often used in combination with CMD.
ENTRYPOINT ["nginx"]
COPY: Copies files or directories from the host machine to the container.
COPY ./webapp /var/www/webapp
ADD: Similar to COPY, but can also handle URLs and tarball extraction.
ADD /app/
WORKDIR: Sets the working directory for any subsequent
, andADD
EXPOSE: Informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network port at runtime.
ENV: Sets environment variables.
VOLUME: Creates a mount point for external storage or other containers.
VOLUME /data
Let's create a Dockerfile for a basic web server using Nginx:
First, create a folder called my-webserver and go inside it cd my-webserver
Then create another folder inside that called website and a file called index.html within the folder website with any content of your choice.
Create a file dockerfile with the following content within the my-webserver folder.
# Use the official Nginx image as a base
FROM nginx:latest
# Set the maintainer label
LABEL maintainer=""
# Copy static website files to the Nginx web directory
COPY ./website /usr/share/nginx/html
# Expose port 80 for the web server
# Default command to run Nginx in the foreground
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
Building an Image from a Dockerfile
To build a Docker image from your Dockerfile, navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile and run:
docker build -t my-webserver:latest .
This command tells Docker to build an image using the Dockerfile in the current directory (.) and tag it as my-webserver:latest. Best Practices
- Minimize Layers: Try to reduce the number of layers in your image to make it lightweight. For instance, chain commands using && in a single RUN instruction.
- Use .dockerignore: Just like .gitignore, you can use .dockerignore to exclude files that aren't needed in the container.
- Avoid Installing Unnecessary Packages: Only install the packages that are necessary to run your application.
- Clean Up: Remove temporary files and caches to reduce image size.
Part 3:
What is Docker Compose?
Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you can define a multi-container application in a single file, then spin up your application with a single command (docker-compose up).
Key Concepts
Services: Each container started by Docker Compose is a service. Services are defined in the docker-compose.yml file. Networks: By default, Docker Compose sets up a single network for your application. Each container for a service joins the default network and is discoverable via a hostname identical to the container name. Volumes: Volumes can be used to share files between the host and container or between containers.
Basic docker-compose Commands
docker-compose up
: Starts up the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file. -
docker-compose down
: Stops and removes all the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file. -
docker-compose ps
: Lists the services and their current state (running/stopped). -
docker-compose logs
: Shows the logs from the services.
Deploying WordPress with Docker Compose
Let's deploy a WordPress application using two containers: one for WordPress and another for the MySQL database. Create a docker-compose.yml file: version: '3'
# Database Service db:
image: mysql:5.7 volumes:
- db_data:/var/lib/mysql
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: somewordpress MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress MYSQL_USER: wordpress MYSQL_PASSWORD: wordpress
# WordPress Service wordpress:
- db
image: wordpress:latest ports:
- "8080:80"
- wordpress_data:/var/www/html
db_data: {} wordpress_data: {}
Start the WordPress and Database Containers: Navigate to the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file and run:
docker-compose up -d
This command will start the services in detached mode. Once the services are up, you can access the WordPress site by navigating to http://<Floating_IP>:8080
from your browser.
Stopping the Services: To stop the services, navigate to the same directory and run:
docker-compose down
Best Practices
- Explicit Service Names: Give your services explicit names to make it clear what each service does.
- Environment Variables: Use environment variables for sensitive information and configurations.
- Service Dependencies: Use the depends_on option to ensure services start in the correct order.
Part 4:
Deploy any web app as per your wish and showcase its usage of it. You need to use more than one docker container
eg: you can use three containers, one to run a web app and the others to run a database and other data storage respectively. You may use the docker hub to get any existing containers. What we evaluate is your ability to deploy the containers and bringing up a working web app.