= Campus Network Design - Network Setup = In this exercise you will install Smokeping and get it to monitor various devices in the class network. Since most of the tasks in this exercise require you to be "root", the first thing you should do is to connect to your PC and start a root shell. {{{ $ sudo -s # }}} === Install Smokeping === Before we install Smokeping we have to update our OS and install Apache web server. {{{ # apt update # apt upgrade # apt install apache2 # systemctl start apache2 # systemctl enable apache2 }}} Now we will continue with the Smokeping installation. {{{ # apt install smokeping # chmod u+s /usr/bin/fping # a2enmod cgi # systemctl reload apache2 }}} === Initial Configuration === Let's make sure that your web server and Smokeping are running: {{{ # systemctl start apache2 # systemctl enable smokeping # systemctl start smokeping }}} Then point your web browser at: {{{ http://hostX/smokeping/smokeping.cgi }}} (replace "hostX" with your own host/IP) to check that it is running.