79 | | |
80 | | ====== Add Repositories Using add-apt-repository ====== |
81 | | |
82 | | Now that you've installed the package, it's time to add a third-party software repository to your system. The basic syntax for adding repositories is: |
83 | | |
84 | | `sudo add-apt-repository [options] repository` |
85 | | |
86 | | ex: |
87 | | |
88 | | `sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) universe"` |
89 | | |
90 | | === Key Management === |
91 | | |
92 | | The Linux key-management facility is primarily a way for various kernel components to retain or cache security data, authentication keys, encryption keys, and other data in the kernel |
93 | | |
94 | | == Linux Editors == |
95 | | |
96 | | === nano === |
97 | | |
98 | | Nano, text editor is a user-friendly, free and open-source text editor that usually comes pre-installed in modern Linux systems. |
99 | | It is easy to use command line text editor for Unix and Linux operating systems. It includes all the basic functionality you'd expect from a regular text editor, like syntax highlighting, multiple buffers, search and replace with regular expression support, spellchecking, UTF-8 encoding, and more. |
100 | | |
101 | | To check if it is installed on your system type: |
102 | | |
103 | | `nano --version` |
104 | | |
105 | | 1. To create and open a new file. |
106 | | |
107 | | `$nano new_filename` |
108 | | |
109 | | 2. To save a file |
110 | | |
111 | | `press Ctrl+o` |
112 | | |
113 | | 3. To cut paste in a file. |
114 | | |
115 | | `Ctrl+k` is used to cut and `Ctrl+u` is used to paste the text. |
116 | | |
117 | | 4. To search a word in a file. |
118 | | |
119 | | `Ctrl+w` |
120 | | |
121 | | 5. To enable spell check in nano. First, install the spell check package. |
122 | | |
123 | | `$sudo apt install spell` |
124 | | |
125 | | - To do spell check first press Ctrl+t |
126 | | - Now it will ask you to replace the incorrect words |
127 | | - Enter the word to replace with there |
128 | | - As soon as you will press the enter key |
129 | | |
130 | | === Vim === |
131 | | |
132 | | Vim is a text editor that is an upgraded version of the Vi editor and is more compatible with Vi. The most usage of vi editors is to create a new file, edit an existing file, or just read a file. Vim editor is more useful in editing different kinds of plain text. |
133 | | |
134 | | To install vim on Debian based Linux like ubuntu run the command: |
135 | | |
136 | | `sudo apt-get install vim` |
137 | | |
138 | | 1.To open a file in vim editor just write the file name after the vim command in the terminal as follows: |
139 | | |
140 | | `vim filename.txt` |
141 | | |
142 | | 2. Write into file |
143 | | |
144 | | press `i` |
145 | | |
146 | | 3.Save and Exit: |
147 | | |
148 | | We have written the data into a file now the task is to save and close the file to do that first exit from insert mode by pressing the Esc key. To write a command first type semicolon ( : ) and then type the command wq! or x! (both do the same thing) And then hit ENTER. |
149 | | |
150 | | `:wq!` |
151 | | |
152 | | 4.Exit without saving the file: |
153 | | |
154 | | To exit from the file without saving the file just use the command q! As follows |
155 | | |
156 | | `:q!` |
157 | | |
158 | | 5.Search: |
159 | | |
160 | | To search the word After the cursor uses the backslash key and then write the word and press enter. |
161 | | |
162 | | `:/word` |
163 | | |
164 | | - Use `:n` to move on next matching word |
165 | | |
166 | | - Use `:N` to move on previous matching word |
167 | | |
168 | | |
169 | | 6.Search and Replace: |
170 | | |
171 | | To replace the word in file use s/ command in vim like |
172 | | |
173 | | `:s/searchword/replaceword/` |
174 | | |
175 | | To do replace all occurrence of word use g |
176 | | |
177 | | `:s/searchword/replaceword/g` |
178 | | |
179 | | This command will replace the word globally. |
180 | | |
181 | | To confirm before replacements of words use gc |
182 | | |
183 | | `:s/searchword/replaceword/gc` |
184 | | |
185 | | To use this command in the whole file use % before the command |
186 | | |
187 | | `:%s/searchword/replaceword/gc` |