== What is a Firewall?== Firewall is a network security system that filters and controls the traffic on a predetermined set of rules. This is an intermediary system between the device and the internet. == How the Firewall of Linux works: == Most of the Linux distro’s ship with default firewall tools that can be used to configure them. We will be using “IPTables” the default tool provided in Linux to establish a firewall. Iptables is used to set up, maintain and inspect the tables of the IPv4 and IPv6 packet filter rules in the Linux Kernel. = iptables Lab = In this lab, you will setup a Basic Firewall Rules with iptables. == Chains :- == Chains are a set of rules defined for a particular task. We have three chains(set of rules) which are used to process the traffic:- 1. INPUT Chains[[BR]] 2. OUTPUT Chains[[BR]] 3. FORWARD Chains[[BR]] == 1. INPUT Chains == Any traffic coming from the internet(network) towards your local machine has to go through the input chains. That means they have to go through all the rules that have been set up in the Input chain. == 2. OUTPUT Chains == Any traffic going from your local machine to the internet needs to go through the output chains. == 3. FORWARD Chain == Any traffic which is coming from the external network and going to another network needs to go through the forward chain. It is used when two or more computers are connected and we want to send data between them. == Different Policies :- == There are three actions which the iptables can perform on the traffic 1.ACCEPT[[BR]] 2.DROP[[BR]] 3.REJECT[[BR]] === 1. ACCEPT === When traffic passes the rules in its specified chain, then the iptable accepts the traffic. That means it opens up the gate and allows the person to go inside the kingdom of Thanos. === 2. DROP === When the traffic is unable to pass the rules in its specified chain, the iptable blocks that traffic. That means the firewall is closed. === 3. REJECT === This type of action is similar to the drop action but it sends a message to the sender of the traffic stating that the data transfer has failed. As a general rule, use REJECT when you want the other end to know the port is unreachable’ use DROP for connections to hosts you don’t want people to see. '''NOTE:- You need to keep in mind a simple rule here:-[[BR]] The Rules you set in the iptables are checked from the topmost rules to the bottom. Whenever a packet passes any of the top rules, it is allowed to pass the firewall. The lower rules are not checked. So be careful while setting up rules.''' = Basic iptables commands : = '''1.To list the rules of the current iptables:-[[BR]]''' {{{ sudo iptables -L }}} The Output would be:- image As you can see, we have three chains (INPUT, FORWARD, OUTPUT). We can also see column headers, but they are no actual rules. This is because most of the Linux come with no predefined rules. Let see what each column mean. === Target:- === This defines what action needs to be done on the packet (ACCEPT,DROP,etc..) === prot:- === This defines the protocol (TCP,IP) of the packet. === source:- === This tells the source address of the packet. === destination:- === This defines the destination address of the packet ''' 2. Clear the rules :''' If you ever want to clear/flush out all the existing rules. Run the following command:- {{{ sudo iptables -F }}} This will reset the iptables. '''3. Changing the default policy of chains :''' {{{ sudo iptables -P Chain_name Action_to_be_taken }}} = Making your First Rule := ''' 1. Implementing a DROP rule :''' We’ll now start building our firewall policies.We’ll first work on the input chain since that is where the incoming traffic will be sent through. '''Syntax:- ''' {{{ sudo iptables -A/-I chain_name -s source_ip -j action_to_take }}} We’ll take an example to understand the topic. Let’s assume we want to block the traffic coming from an IP address The following command can be used:- {{{ sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP }}} This may look complicated, but most of it will make sense when we go over the components:- '''-A INPUT :-''' The flag -A is used to append a rule to the end of a chain. This part of the command tells the iptable that we want to add a rule to the end of the INPUT chain. '''-I INPUT:-''' In this flag the rules are added to the top of the chain. '''-s''' The flag -s is used to specify the source of the packet. This tells the iptable to look for the packets coming from the source '''-j DROP''' This specifies what the iptable should do with the packet. In short, the above command adds a rule to the INPUT chain which says, if any packet arrives whose source address is then drop that packet, that means do not allow the packet reach the computer. Once you execute the above command you can see the changes by using the command:- {{{ sudo iptables -L }}} The Output would be:- image '''2. Implementing a ACCEPT rule :''' If you want to add rules to specific ports of your network,then the following commands can be used. '''Syntax:-''' {{{ sudo iptables -A/-I chain_name -s source_ip -p protocol_name --dport port_number -j Action_to_take }}} '''-p protocol_name:-''' This option is used to match the packets that follow the protocol protocol_name. '''-dport port_number:''' This is option is available only if you give the -p protocol_name option. It specifies to look for the packets that are going to the port “port_number”. '''Example:-'''[[BR]] Let’s say we want to keep our SSH port open (we will assume in this guide that the default SSH port is 22) from the network we blocked in the above case. That is we only want to allow those packets coming from and which wants to go to the port 22. {{{ sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT }}} '''3. Deleting a rule from the iptable :''' '''Syntax:-''' {{{ sudo iptables -D chain_name rule_number }}} '''Example:-'''[[BR]] If we want to delete the rule which accepts the traffic to port 22 and which we have added in the previous section, then:- {{{ sudo iptables -D INPUT 1 }}} Remember the rules number starts from 1 '''4. Saving your configuration :''' This part is unnecessary if you are implementing it on a personal computer which is not a server, but if you are implementing a firewall on a server, then there are high chances that your server might get corrupted and you might lose all your data. So, it’s always better to save your configurations. There are a lot of ways to do this, but the easiest way I find is with '''iptables-persistent''' package. You can download the package from Ubuntu’s default repositories: {{{ sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent }}} Once the installation is complete, you can save your configuration using the command:- {{{ sudo invoke-rc.d iptables-persistent save }}} == UFW Lab == === Introduction === ''' UFW (uncomplicated firewall) ''' is a firewall configuration tool that runs on top of iptables, included by default within Ubuntu distributions. It provides a streamlined interface for configuring common firewall use cases via the command line. '''Verify UFW Status''' To check if ufw is enabled, run: {{{ sudo ufw status }}} ''' Enable UFW ''' If you got a '''Status: inactive''' message when running ufw status, it means the firewall is not yet enabled on the system. You’ll need to run a command to enable it. {{{ sudo ufw enable }}} You’ll see output like this: {{{ Output Firewall is active and enabled on system startup }}} '''Disable UFW''' If for some reason you need to disable UFW, you can do so with the following command {{{ sudo ufw disable }}} Be aware that this command will fully disable the firewall service on your system.